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GB Studio

A quick and easy to use drag and drop retro game creator for your favourite handheld video game system.

VC&G | » The PC is Dead: It’s Time to Make Computing Personal Again

How surveillance capitalism and DRM turned home tech from friend to foe. For a while—in the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s—it felt like nerds were [...]

Home Loss File System - Digital Resource - Google Drive

(11) in the belly of the MrBeast - by Kevin Munger

what does MrBeast mean?

Cheating is All You Need

There is something legendary and historic happening in software engineering, right now as we speak, and yet most of you don’t realize at all how big it is.

Whither dashboard design? – Surfing Complexity

The sorry state of dashboards It’s true: the dashboards we use today for doing operational diagnostic work are … let’s say suboptimal. Charity Majors is one of the founders of Hon…

Uv has a killer feature you should know about | Lukas Valatka

In my view, neither performance nor trying to be Python-aligned is what sets uv apart. Don’t get me wrong — try switching from uv to Poetry, and you’ll quickly notice how sluggish it (poetry) feels. uv goes extra miles to adhere to PEPs, and IMHO it’s the go-to package manager for Python these days. But these aren’t the features that surprised me most.

Bass Guitar Survival Guide (for Guitar Players)

This is a collaborative course I made with Rhett Shull teaching guitar players how to play bass without sounding like guitar players. We talk about the unique role the bass has in a band and the differences between bass guitar and guitar in technique and mindset. This updated version of the course contains an additional 30 minutes of information from the original release of the course from Philip discussing Timing, Taste and Tone for guitar players looking to lock in on bass.

Cuttle - card game rules

How to play Cuttle, a combat card game for two players using standard playing-cards.

Syntorial: The Ultimate Synthesizer Course

Syntorial is more than just another synth tutorial. It's a video game-like training software, that will teach you how to program synthesizers by ear.